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Think differently with others.

WithIn offers a series of learning opportunities for you and your team. Join one of our existing offerings or schedule a focused workshop for your organization or network.

A dark- haired, bearded white man in a blue dress shirt addresses an audience through a microphone at a business event.

WithIn opens eyes, shifts minds and transform organizations.

Upcoming Workshops

Join us at an upcoming learning session. Our goal with these offerings is to connect you with others while cultivating a leadership practice that brings you in closer alignment with your vision of a just and joyful world.   

  • The Coach Identity Training will be an opportunity for you to learn and practice equity-centered, coaching tools and mindsets that benefit you as a leader, supervisor, organizer, parent, spouse, friend, and neighbor.

    Typically, coaching certification programs provide over 140 hours of training and practice. This 16-hour group experience is designed as an introduction, and may be all you need. Or, this might be just a beginning.

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