What Matters. No Matter What.

In case you are wondering, it’s not just you.  The current moment feels disorienting and overwhelming. At WithIn, we’re exploring ways to support each other to stay hopeful, energized, connected, and focused.  On June 3, we are hosting a gathering intended to support you to: Our aim is to stay aligned with our values and… Read more →

Embracing Possibilities in 2024

To our fellow travelers: At WithIn, we are busy embracing the possibilities of this new year. As we think about 2024, it feels particularly important to elevate our self awareness and intention. Our ability and willingness to hold multiple truths and listen deeply will be in deep demand. We wish for you the space to… Read more →

Better the Birthing Experience for Native Parents

Over the last year, the WithIn Collaborative has been working alongside parents and leaders from tribal lands in and around Humboldt County – and with medical practitioners from Providence St. Joseph Hospital in Eureka, CA.  Our focus: How to better the birth experience of Native parents at Providence St. Joseph Hospital.  We quickly became known… Read more →