To our fellow travelers:
At WithIn, we are busy embracing the possibilities of this new year. As we think about 2024, it feels particularly important to elevate our self awareness and intention. Our ability and willingness to hold multiple truths and listen deeply will be in deep demand. We wish for you the space to consider what this new year is already inviting for you and yours. Please be in touch with us if there is anything WithIn can do to support you and your team to step into the future feeling connected and aligned.
We are excited to share a bit about what we’re thinking about and doing below – and look forward to our paths connecting.
Thomas, Johnny, Belma + Adene (pictured here with the amazing Yeshi Neumann)

First 5 Leadership Network
In November, we graduated the fourth cohort of the First 5 Leadership Network. This network began in 2018 as a way to align early childhood leaders in California on how to center the needs of California’s youngest residents in state programs and policy. Led by First 5 Association of California, the network is looking to embed the aspirations of their REDI (race, equity, diversity and inclusion) work in the systems of care that support California’s families.
Better Birthing for Native Parents
The work of the Better Birthing team to center the wisdom and needs of Native parents in their birth experience continues. This fall, team members presented our work at a conference co-hosted by the Early Childhood Funders Collaborative and Native Americans in Philanthropy. Meanwhile, in Humboldt CA, the Better Birthing team is getting ready to host a doula training in partnership with the Center for Indigenous Midwifery.

WithIn’s Coach Identity Training
This January also marked the launch of WithIn’s third Coach Identity cohort. This offering emerges from our belief that equity centered coaching tools allow us to connect with others and move collectively towards a vision for change.
“The Coach Identity Training was a transformative experience that has truly reshaped my leadership perspective and instilled in me a deep understanding of the power of coaching.”
And if you are reading this feeling like this is what YOU need right now, you are in luck. The fourth cohort starts in October; applications are open now.
First 5 San Mateo
WithIn recently launched a project with First 5 San Mateo to explore ways Latino parents could shape mental health strategies to better align with their wisdom and experiences. The focus on Latino families emerges from data that show Latino families report higher rates of prenatal and postpartum depression than the County norm. The intention is to learn-by-doing with a team of parents, mental health providers and early childhood experts, all who experience the mental health systems of care in different ways.