Lead systems change from within.
We need one another to repair our world. WithIn supports multi-sector and multi-racial groups to connect across difference, align on a shared vision and begin to discover the collective future.

Internal Teams
Strengthen your team.
WithIn supports organizations and teams to build the internal practices essential to the work of systems change. Recent teams we’ve partnered with include:
- Solidaire Network. WithIn works to support Solidaire staff and board to build practices and culture internally that support their ability to mobilize resources to the movements for racial, gender and climate justice.
- First Five Leadership Network. This statewide network supports First 5 leaders to lead community efforts on behalf of California’s children and families.
Connection is WithIn’s superpower. They create a sense of togetherness even when working with really tender topics around race, privilege and power in integrated settings and — because of that — they transform challenging, growth-edge conversations into compelling invitations that people are excited to lean into.
Community Cohorts
Strengthen community
WithIn stewards place-based and issue-based networks of leaders and organizations intent on collaborating across their differences to transform their communities. Networks we’ve been honored to support include:
- Irvine New Leadership Network (NLN). Based in California’s Central Valley, the NLN is a multi-racial, cross-sector network focused on supporting a new generation of leaders to emerge and transform local systems. Read more about NLN’s journey in our book.
- First 5 Napa Early Childhood Network. This network recruits members from different fields, faiths, political beliefs and racial backgrounds to co-create a more inclusive future for Napa County children and families.