WithIn is now a CalAIM PATH Technical Assistance Vendor

Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) enables California community-based organizations (CBOs), hospitals, county agencies, Medi-Cal Tribal and designees of Indian Health Programs, among others to successfully participate in the Medi-Cal delivery system as California widely implements Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports and Justice-Involved services under CalAIM. See if you qualify! 

WithIn Collaborative partners with health institutions and community stakeholders committed to meet the diverse needs of Californians with complex care needs.  Our offerings include:

  • Strategic planning focused on integrating the needs of multiple institutions and community stakeholders. 
  • Co-design processes that align community needs with health programs and protocols.   
  • Leadership training and development aimed at developing culturally responsive health-care teams. 

WithIn Collaborative’s work designing with the community at center is intended to move organizations from aspiring to health equity to actively achieving it. Prior work includes: 

  • Redesigning the birth experience of Native Parents in Humboldt County. In 2021, WithIn worked with parents and leaders from tribal lands in and around Humboldt County in Northern California  – and with medical practitioners from Providence Health. What emerged were multiple ways for care, connection and repair between the hospital and Native parents, including changing California law and implementing new protocols in the delivery room.  Read more here
  • Supporting the emergence of next generation leaders in Bay Area housing and homelessness organizations. In 2022, WithIn worked with the UCSF Benioff Homeless and Housing Initiative to explore ways to strengthen the resilience of the field of houselessness and housing, and attract, foster and grow the next generation of leaders. The work focused specifically on what Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) leaders and leaders with lived experience need to sustain and accelerate their work in the field.